Sociology Optional Question Paper 2017: Paper-1


Q1 (a) Explain how sociology has emerged as a distinct discipline based on rationality and scientific tamper. (10 Marks)
b) Examine ethnomethodological and phenomenological perspective as critique of positivism. (10 Marks)
c) Illustrate with example the significance of variable in sociology research. (10 Marks)
d) Critically analyse Talcott Parsons conception of pattern variable’. (10 Marks)
e) Can we equate ‘poverty’ with ‘poor living’ ? Elaborate your answer. (10 Marks)

Q2 (a) Discuss the changing equation of discipline of sociology with other social sciences. (20 Marks)
b) Examine the basic postulates of positivism and post-positivism. (20 Marks)
c) Elaborate the main tenets of interpretative perspective in sociology. (10 Marks)

Q3 (a) Discuss distinct sociological method adopted by Emile Durkheim in his study of ‘suicide’. (20 Marks)
b) Analyse Marxian conception of historical materialism as a critique of Hegelian dialectics. (20 Marks)
c) Examine epistemological foundation of qualitative methods of social research. (10 Marks)

Q4 (a) What is Weberian critique of Marxist notion of social stratification. (20 Marks)
b) Examine gender. Ethnicity and race as major dimensions of social stratification. (20 Marks)
c) How can one resolve the issue of reliability and validity in the context of sociological research on inequality ? (10 Marks)


Q5 (a) What do you understand by informalisation of labour ‘? Write your answer with special reference to India. (10 Marks
b) Discuss the changing interface between state and civil society in post-independent India. (10 Marks
c) Give an assessment of Durkheimian notion of ‘sacred’ and ‘profane’ in sociology of religion. (10 Marks
d) Examine ‘patriarchal bargain ‘ as gendered division of work in contemporary India. (10 Marks
e) Assess the role of mass media as an agent of social change. (10 Marks)

Q6 (a) Trace the changing nature of organisation of work in capitalist society over the years. (20 Marks)
b) What is new in ‘new social movement ‘? Elaborate your answer with special reference to India. (20 Marks)
c) Examine the dynamics of pressure group in multi-party political system. (10 Marks)

Q7 (a) Examine the relationship between the contemporary trends in marriage and changing from family. (10 Marks)
b) Discuss the regional variations of kinship system in Indian society. (20 Marks)
c) Problematize the concept if secularism in the present context. (10 Marks)

Q8 (a) Examine any two theories of social change in detail society. (20 Marks)
b) Critically analyse the role of science and technology in bringing about social change. (20 Marks)
c) Elaborate on various types of religious practices prevalent in India society. (10 Marks)

Sociology Optional Question Paper 2017: Paper-2


Q1. Write short answers with a sociological perspective on the following, in about 150 words each: (10×5=50) marks

a) Write a critique of the structural and functional perspective used by M.N. Srinivas in the understanding of Indian society. 10 marks
b)Which is more significant, the principle of ‘hierarchy’ or the principal of difference; in inter caste relations in the present day ? 10 marks
c) What are the distinct features of islam as practised in India, and how have they changed over time ? 10 marks
d) How have the struggles against untouchability changed their forms and perspective from Gandhian to Ambedkarite positions? 10 marks
e) Write a short note a changing means of production and increased rural poverty. 10 marks

Q2 (a) The main objective of socio- religious movement during the colonial rule in India were reforming and synthesizing Hinduism. Write any two such important movements. (20 Marks)
b) Discuss Yogendra singh’s thesis on Modernization of Indian Tradition. And evaluate its applicability in the present day context. (20 Marks)
c) What are the changes in the cultural and structural aspects of the caste system since independence? (10 Marks)

Q3 (a) Indebtedness is one of the serious issues leading to farmers suicides Discuss reasons and suggest solutions. (20 Marks)
b) Clarify the distinction between “household” and “family” and evaluate Whether joint families have completely disintegrated. (20 Marks)
c) Compare the north Indian kinship System with the South Indian kinship system. (10 Marks)

Q4 (a) Explain the concepts of dominant caste’ and ‘ vote ‘ bank giving examples from specific regions. (20 Marks)
b) What is the nature of religious change among tribal communities ? Illustrate with two examples from colonial and post independence times. (20 Marks)
c) Compare the pressing problems of a dalit poor family living in an urban slum with a similar type of family living in a rural setting . (10 Marks)


Q5. Write short answers with a sociological perspective on the following, in about 150 words each: (10×5=50) marks

a) What are the reason for the escalation of violence against women in the public domain ?
b) Write a note on Education and equality in India.
c) Give an account of the problems relating to the “creamy layer”.
d) Do you agree that the issue of child labour raises questions about and beyond the informal sector ? Give reasons.
e) What are the Emerging concerns on women’s reproductive health ?

Q6 (a) Discuss some of the striking issues of development induced imbalances that need urgent attention. (20 Marks)
b) Examine the impact of heritage tourism on urban socio-spatial patterns in India. (20 Marks)
c) What are the causes and solutions for the low female sex-ratio in the DEMARU States of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, and Gujarat ? (10 Marks)

Q7 (a) Despite gains from the women’s gender movement and states policy of women empowerment, gender equality is far from achieved. Identify two major challenges the prevent this goal from being reached. (20 Marks)
b) To what extent does nation building depends on strengthening of pluralities in Indian society? (20 Marks)
c) Explain the issue relating to ethnicity and sub-ethnicity. (10 Marks)

Q8 (a) What is cultural Revivalism ? Give some examples from performing arts , language dissemination and arts crafts in recent times. (20 Marks)
b) What, according to you are the two fundamental axes of social discrimination in Indian society ? Are they changing ? (20 Marks)
c) Why have we started using another category of tribes called the Particularly Vulnerable Groups (PVTGs) Why are they so called ? (10 Marks)

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