• Under Rule 267, MPs can issue notice to take up a discussion on urgent issues of public importance setting aside the Upper House’s listed business of the day. 
  • It allows for the suspension of a day’s business to debate the issue suggested by a Member.
    • The Rule gives special power to a Rajya Sabha member to suspend the pre-decided agenda of the House, with the approval of the Chairman.
  • The Rajya Sabha rule book defines “Rule 267” under “suspension of rules” as an instance where “any Member, may, with the consent of the Chairman, move that any rule may be suspended in its application to a motion related to the business listed before the council of that day and if the motion is carried, the rule in question shall be suspended for the time being.”
    •  provided further that this rule shall not apply where specific provision already exists for suspension of a rule under a particular chapter of the Rules”.

Any member of the Rajya Sabha can issue a notice to the Chairperson for a discussion on any subject under Rule 267.

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